13, 14 e 15 de abril, 2023
O Instituto de História da Arte (IHA/NOVA FCSH), o Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis (MNSR) e a Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos convidam investigadores à apresentação de propostas, preferencialmente na cronologia indicada, e para as seguintes áreas temáticas:
– Autorretrato e Autorrepresentação
– Ateliers de mulheres artistas
– A casa enquanto espaço de criação artística
– Pintura e fotografia
– Estudos Técnicos e Materiais
– Biografias de Mulheres Artistas
– A centralidade de Paris c. 1900 na formação das mulheres artistas
– As Mulheres e o ensino académico
– Receção e profissionalização
– Fortuna crítica e historiografia
Conferência e datas importantes:
Submissão de propostas e normas:
As propostas para comunicações de 20 minutos devem colocar no assunto Congresso Internacional AURÉLIA DE SOUSA. MULHERES ARTISTAS EM 1900. O/a autor/a deve referir o nome pelo qual deseja ser citado/a, contacto telefónico, e-mail público e afiliação institucional, título e resumo (300 a 350 palavras), cinco referências bibliográficas, 5 palavras-chave. A identificação do/a autor/a, entre outras informações que revelem a sua identidade, deverá ser oculta do texto, uma vez que as propostas serão submetidas a processo de arbitragem científica sob anonimato. As notas biográficas (máximo de 100 palavras) devem, por sua vez, ser apresentadas em documento separado. Estes documentos deverão ser enviados em formato Word para o seguinte e-mail: [email protected]
A escolha das comunicações procura apenas propostas originais (não publicadas nem apresentadas noutras comunicações), que se destaquem pela sua capacidade de teorização, inovação e originalidade.
Os artigos selecionados e sujeitos a arbitragem científica serão publicados num volume de Atas em formato ebook.
13-14 April, 2023
As part of the celebrations of the centenary of the death of Aurélia de Souza, the Institute of Art History, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (IHA/NOVA FCSH), the Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis (MNSR) and the Municipality of Matosinhos are holding a meeting entitled AURÉLIA DE SOUZA INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS: WOMEN ARTISTS AT THE TURN OF THE 20th CENTURY on 13th and 14th April 2023.
Aurélia de Souza (1866-1922) is one of the greatest artistic personalities of Portuguese art in late 19th century to early 20th century. Her work focuses on some of the major themes of European painting during that period, with a special interest on self-portraiture and self-representation conceived as pictorial narratives. Involving the household and her own family, and with a particular use of photography, her self-portraits are original and innovative.
At the Academia de Belas Artes do Porto – Porto Academy of Fine Arts – Aurelia de Souza was a brilliant student. She completed her training with a sojourn in Paris where, accompanied by her sister – fellow painter, Sofia de Souza – she attended the Académie Julian. A well-connected member of the Porto art and cultural scene she showed her work at exhibitions in both Porto and Lisbon, showing a determination to assert herself as a career painter in the predominantly male environment in which, in a gesture of benevolence, men expected women to limit their ambitions as artists to the status of hobbyists.
The Institute of Art History (IHA/NOVA FCSH), the Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis (MNSR) – Soares dos Reis National Museum -, and the Municipality of Matosinhos invite researchers to present papers, preferably covering the period indicated, on the following topics:
– Self-portraiture and Self-representation
– Women artists’ workshops
– The household as a space for artistic creation
– Painting and photography
– Material and Technical Studies
– Biographies of Women Artists
– The central role of Paris at the turn of the 20th century in the training of women artists
– Women and academic training
– Women becoming professional artists and their acceptance in the art world
– Critical recognition and historiography
Key conference dates:
Rules governing the submission of papers
Proposals for 20-minute lectures must fall within the framework of the AURÉLIA DE SOUSA INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS: WOMEN ARTISTS IN 1900. Authors should state the name by which they wish to be known and provide contact details (phone number and public e-mail address) and details of affiliation to organisations, the title of the paper, an abstract of 300 to 350 words, five bibliographical references and five keywords. Papers should not include the name of the author or any other information that identifies them in order to ensure the anonymity of the assessment of proposals by the scientific committee. A biographical note with a maximum of 100 words should be submitted separately. Documents should be sent in Word format to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
Only original papers, not previously published or publicly presented, will be accepted. The organizing commission is looking for innovative and original theoretical approaches.
The articles selected will be subject to scientific peer review and will be published in an ebook format.
13, 14 e 15 de abril, 2023
O Instituto de História da Arte (IHA/NOVA FCSH), o Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis (MNSR) e a Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos convidam investigadores à apresentação de propostas, preferencialmente na cronologia indicada, e para as seguintes áreas temáticas:
– Autorretrato e Autorrepresentação
– Ateliers de mulheres artistas
– A casa enquanto espaço de criação artística
– Pintura e fotografia
– Estudos Técnicos e Materiais
– Biografias de Mulheres Artistas
– A centralidade de Paris c. 1900 na formação das mulheres artistas
– As Mulheres e o ensino académico
– Receção e profissionalização
– Fortuna crítica e historiografia
Conferência e datas importantes:
- Prazo para envio das propostas: até 30 de Setembro de 2022 / EXTENSÃO: ATÉ 15 DE OUTUBRO DE 2022
- Notificação de aceitação: até 30 de Novembro de 2022 / até 15 de Dezembro de 2022
- Inscrições: de 1 de Dezembro a 31 de Janeiro de 2023
- Congresso: 13 e 14 de Abril de 2023
- Dia 13 de Abril: Auditório do Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis
- Dia 14 de Abril : Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos
Submissão de propostas e normas:
As propostas para comunicações de 20 minutos devem colocar no assunto Congresso Internacional AURÉLIA DE SOUSA. MULHERES ARTISTAS EM 1900. O/a autor/a deve referir o nome pelo qual deseja ser citado/a, contacto telefónico, e-mail público e afiliação institucional, título e resumo (300 a 350 palavras), cinco referências bibliográficas, 5 palavras-chave. A identificação do/a autor/a, entre outras informações que revelem a sua identidade, deverá ser oculta do texto, uma vez que as propostas serão submetidas a processo de arbitragem científica sob anonimato. As notas biográficas (máximo de 100 palavras) devem, por sua vez, ser apresentadas em documento separado. Estes documentos deverão ser enviados em formato Word para o seguinte e-mail: [email protected]
A escolha das comunicações procura apenas propostas originais (não publicadas nem apresentadas noutras comunicações), que se destaquem pela sua capacidade de teorização, inovação e originalidade.
Os artigos selecionados e sujeitos a arbitragem científica serão publicados num volume de Atas em formato ebook.
13-14 April, 2023
As part of the celebrations of the centenary of the death of Aurélia de Souza, the Institute of Art History, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (IHA/NOVA FCSH), the Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis (MNSR) and the Municipality of Matosinhos are holding a meeting entitled AURÉLIA DE SOUZA INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS: WOMEN ARTISTS AT THE TURN OF THE 20th CENTURY on 13th and 14th April 2023.
Aurélia de Souza (1866-1922) is one of the greatest artistic personalities of Portuguese art in late 19th century to early 20th century. Her work focuses on some of the major themes of European painting during that period, with a special interest on self-portraiture and self-representation conceived as pictorial narratives. Involving the household and her own family, and with a particular use of photography, her self-portraits are original and innovative.
At the Academia de Belas Artes do Porto – Porto Academy of Fine Arts – Aurelia de Souza was a brilliant student. She completed her training with a sojourn in Paris where, accompanied by her sister – fellow painter, Sofia de Souza – she attended the Académie Julian. A well-connected member of the Porto art and cultural scene she showed her work at exhibitions in both Porto and Lisbon, showing a determination to assert herself as a career painter in the predominantly male environment in which, in a gesture of benevolence, men expected women to limit their ambitions as artists to the status of hobbyists.
The Institute of Art History (IHA/NOVA FCSH), the Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis (MNSR) – Soares dos Reis National Museum -, and the Municipality of Matosinhos invite researchers to present papers, preferably covering the period indicated, on the following topics:
– Self-portraiture and Self-representation
– Women artists’ workshops
– The household as a space for artistic creation
– Painting and photography
– Material and Technical Studies
– Biographies of Women Artists
– The central role of Paris at the turn of the 20th century in the training of women artists
– Women and academic training
– Women becoming professional artists and their acceptance in the art world
– Critical recognition and historiography
Key conference dates:
- Deadline for submission of papers: 30th September 2022 / EXTENSION: 15th October 2022
- Notification of acceptance of papers by 30th November 2022 / 15th December 2022
- Registration for attendance from 1st December to 31st January 2023
- The meeting will be held in April 2023:
- on 13th April at the Soares dos Reis National Museum Auditorium
- on 14th April at Matosinhos City Hall
Rules governing the submission of papers
Proposals for 20-minute lectures must fall within the framework of the AURÉLIA DE SOUSA INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS: WOMEN ARTISTS IN 1900. Authors should state the name by which they wish to be known and provide contact details (phone number and public e-mail address) and details of affiliation to organisations, the title of the paper, an abstract of 300 to 350 words, five bibliographical references and five keywords. Papers should not include the name of the author or any other information that identifies them in order to ensure the anonymity of the assessment of proposals by the scientific committee. A biographical note with a maximum of 100 words should be submitted separately. Documents should be sent in Word format to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
Only original papers, not previously published or publicly presented, will be accepted. The organizing commission is looking for innovative and original theoretical approaches.
The articles selected will be subject to scientific peer review and will be published in an ebook format.